Monday, October 27, 2008

Transect Montage_

While traversing the site in a E to NW direction, I noticed a change in atmosphere and comfort levels. The expansive sea of sawgrass had a very open and soothing atmosphere, while the dense melaleuca forest had an enclosing, almost claustrophobic one. It also became apparent to me that the site was at one point entirely overgrown with melaleuca trees, the leftover stumps and wood chips show up randomly as evidence. I also found it very interesting that the further I got from the edge of the road, the clearer I could hear the sounds of the gun range from across the street as well as bird calls.

The second transverse section I cut through the site was in a W to E direction, starting off where the canal and the sites edge meet and terminating at the edge of the road on Krome Ave. The most apparent distinction I noticed on the canals edge was the movement of water flow seeping in from the canal onto the site and how this changes into a stagnated mat of algae as you get deeper into the site towards the center where there is no water flow. The amount of water flow also seems to correlate with the amount of diversity in aquatic plants and the opacity of water.